Trust, Obey and Be Encouraged

We all go through times in our lives where the path ahead is uncertain. Sometimes those times can be viewed as adventures as we excitedly press on into daring, new directions. Other times the uncertainty can bring anxiety and doubt when the path ahead is not yet visible and we worry for the sake of our families what the next turn may bring. 

Sometimes no matter how hard we try to walk in faith and obedience the road we thought we were being called to walk disappears into the distance. Leaving us instead with a bend in the path where we can not see what is ahead. This is difficult because as humans we have learned to trust our sight for navigation. Not having this crucial sense in our toolkit puts us off balance and threatens to throw us off track. 


 I was reminded this weekend of the Proverb we all know and love that says,

"Trust in the Lord always. 
Lean not on your own understanding, 
but in all your ways acknowledge Him 
and He will make your path straight." (Prov. 3:5-6)

Isn't it funny how something we have heard so many times in our lives can still bring us so much comfort? Perhaps it is because we have walked through the difficult times in our lives before and never been completely let down, always upheld by Him who promises to make a way. Even through our fear we can rest, take courage even, in the knowing that this time will be no different. No matter the way in which we are brought through, we know the one who will be our guide and that He will be faithful.


As this summer comes to a close and a new season beckons us into the coming days, I pray for peace as we walk in obedience. I am thankful for the comforting words and prayers of those who have reached out through faith to encourage us. I ask for the strength to accomplish all that is set before us. And I try hard to trust in the bright future of what is to come. 


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