Throwback Thursday: A Reflection on the 4th of July


As the Independence Day holiday dawns yet again in another new July I am reminded of the years past and how we have celebrated together as a family. 

How can it be that this is the thirteenth July I have celebrated with you, my little love? Wasn't it just yesterday that you were that one year old toddler watching fireworks from the comfort of your stroller? I remember thinking then how grown up I thought you looked in your little plaid shorts. The year before you had just been a month old babe in my arms, my how quickly the days move I had thought. 

By the summer of 2015 you were three and we had moved to Houston to begin our foster care house parenting journey. We spent the holiday filling in as respite parents in Cottage 5 for the boys while their parents were on vacation. But I was able to sneak away for the afternoon, leaving the boys in the care of your daddy, while you and I spent some time exploring the campus and snapping a few pics. 
A few days later I wrote a reflections of the 4th blog and it I wrote:

"Can I be honest?
Today, this week, has been hard.
 We still do not yet have our own cottage of kids and are considered singles, which means that we are sometimes asked to fill-in, in cottages where we do not normally serve. This last week was just such an occasion. Don't get me wrong, there were very great moments as I look back over the last week. Like the night we got to watch Jaws in the swimming pool, and the day I got paid to watch Jurassic World in 3D with the kids. And I did get some cute 4th of July pics of Bug."

I go on to share, however, that the previous week had been wrought with challenges and that I was exhausted from the work of caring for so many children. We were not yet full time house parents caring for our own cottage and I was so eager to begin that journey, I but learning new things everyday while doing respite care. 

I went on to share this picture of our dear Austin, a young man of only 14 here, who would go on to become one that would be like our own and who we now get to watch as a father to his own precious son. 
I wrote, "Cliff just came back in with a group of our older Cottage 11 boys who have been the rescue squad for a little girls cottage down the way. They had a bird's nest outside that a snake had gotten into and so Cliff led the troops into battle to save them. They had stories and pics and grins as wide as the horizon when they got back just now. I guess sometimes its good to set out on an adventure, be it ever small or big, and to come back all the more brave, happy and some how better. And I guess, good days and bad, this is our story of our journey. Some moments will be hard. Sometimes there will be question and even doubt. But in the end we will definitely have a story to tell."

A few years later we would spend the forth at "The Lake House" with our College and Career kids. Another side adventure that would bring us many joys. 

Two years ago we had moved to Atlanta and we spent the 4th attending a parade with our cottage full of boys. Life moving on with fun new things to try. I know that you struggled there in that environment with those boys who needed so much care. Truth be told I struggled, too. Foster care can be hard.

Last year we celebrated with mom and dad in Texas, our home away from home, our respite and our safe place to land.


Today we celebrate on the banks of the James River in Jamestown, Va where America began and where I currently work. You came with me today and it was fun having you there.

Today, as we celebrate our freedoms I am thankful to be with you, my son. I can look back at these Julys and see God's hand at work throughout the years. I am so thankful for the amazing young man that you have become and I look forward to many more Julys to come. 


Happy Independence Day! 



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