Family on a Mission: Faith. Hope. Love. HOME.

 Several years ago while we were house parenting in Houston I was praying about a verse for our family and my mind kept coming back to one of my favorites, 1 Cor. 13. 

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As I meditated on it I came to realize that the three things outlined in that chapter, Faith, Hope and Love, were everything that my kids needed in order to feel a sense of Home within our family. 

It became my mission to provide my kids with 

a foundation of FAITH in Jesus

  a future filled with HOPE in His plans 

and an overwhelming sense of unconditional 


Read my original post on this topic on my blog specifically about our time House Parenting here.

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Of course we modeled these three things in our home during our daily lives with family devotions and prayer time, weekly church attendance, and with the way in which we interacted with each other as a couple and with our children. 

One of our favorite family devotionals was this series by Louie Giglio 


We love the quick and easy to read devotions that are based in nature and science celebrating God's amazing creation. We enjoyed learning facts about the earth while also learning an important tie in lesson based on scripture.  

I also found it to be important that I emersed myself daily in the word. One of the devotions that I came to love as a mom was Ann Voskamp's A Thousand Words Devotional. I loved the daily practice that she encourages of keeping a gratitude journal and her stories of hope in the midst of sorrow where so encouraging to me as a mom. 

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In addition to a daily gratitude journal I found it helpful to begin Bullet Journaling as a way to record the accomplishments we had made as a family as well as inspirational scriptures or thoughts and goals for us to strive for.

One of my favorite things to do in order to bring Faith, Hope and Love into the home though was to subtly decorate in ways that  reminded the kids of this scripture and of Home. 

No matter the way we get the message across, my prayer is that our kids learn that
Home is found in the hearts of those who love and care for them. 
In this way they carry with them a sense of belonging everywhere life takes them knowing that our family and an awesome God loves them! 

Do you have a family verse or motto?
In what ways do you celebrate and meditate on it in your home?

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 for which I receive compensation.)


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