Motherhood as a Mission

 I have thought a lot lately about motherhood. My own son turns 12 next month, the last year of his childhood before he is firmly in his teens, and this milestone has got me thinking about the stages in a mother's life, too. How we grow and change right along with our children.

As mothers we often are made to place ourselves into a box and define our motherhood. 

I am a tween mom.

I am a boy mom.

I am an autism mom.

But the truth is that as moms we are never just one thing. In fact, most of the time we are rocking more "mom hats" than we can count!  

And the definition of who we are as a mom today, may be very different than who we were five years ago, and guess what, it will change again in a few more years time!

Last spring you may have been a baseball mom at the field every night screaming at the top of your lungs for your heart who is out there up at bat.

When this summer rolls around chances are you will be out there supporting some other new favorite obsession your child has gotten in to.

Some of us take on more serious roles as moms. I myself, as I mentioned above, am firmly planted in my role as an autism mom. Supporting my boy and advocating for him. 

For a number of years in my motherhood I took on the role of a foster mom, serving as a house parent at children's homes where our family lived and worked, a mommy mission I still love to share about! And one that keeps on growing as my foster loves who were once kids when they lived in our home, now move into adulthood and start families of their own. 

I am in awe every day of so many other mama bears I know who take on huge responsibilities with children who have struggles its hard for me to even imagine. True Warrior Mamas who battle Type 1 Diabetes with their children, or rare childhood conditions like San Filippo Syndrome. 

The point is that motherhood is many things, but for those of us who view it as a calling, 
it is always a mission! 

My new blog I am sort of revamping, is about just that! Women on a journey together. Supporting one another. Advocating for all our different roles. Walking through our life's mission together, stronger because we go arm in arm. 

Will you join us on our Mission Mommy Journey?

-You can still find a link to the old blog that chronicled our time as house parents fostering children in my profile. Please read through the archives if you are considering this amazing type of work as a family and do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. 

Find a link to Mission Mommy Journey socials below. 

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