Family on a Mission: Homeschooling - Free Play vs. Instruction

I often hear and see on social media people debating preschool type activities for young children. You've seen the reels where a kid is happily digging in the dirt or wandering through a forest and the caption is something like,

 "let kids be kids!" or "let them play!". 

And, yes. 

But also, why does it have to be one or the other?

When my son was this age we spent so many of our days walking around the local pond, digging in the dirt  in our backyard, observing the wildlife around us and exploring nature through all our senses. But we also talked about it together as we did this. I asked questions, we sang songs, we read books, we went on scavenger hunts. If we just let our kids go outside and have free play all the time, to me I question what the point of homeschooling is at all if you as the parent are not also part of the equation.

Do I think we need to sit down at a table and ask young kids be still and listen for long periods? No.

But does that mean we have to limit learning to just free play? Also, no.

You've heard it said that young children are like sponges and its so true! So why not expose them to lots of fun activities of all kinds?

 Below is a list of 10 fun outdoor activities that can be learning opportunities, too! 

1. Nature Alphabet Activity 

visit site to view activity

2. Sidewalk Chalk Letter and Sound Hide & Seek

3. Outdoor Alphabet Stone Activity

4. Egg Carton Nature Scavenger Hunt

5. Outdoor Color Hop

6. Going on a Bear Hunt Sensory Activity

7. Mud Play Activities

8. Nature Walk Bracelets

9. Make Sensory Soup

10. Make Play Dough Portraits

Hope you enjoy these activities and that they spark all kinds of creative fun play that encourages learning for you and your child!



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